Curtis LaForche lives in a small Ohio town with his wife Samantha and six-year-old daughter Hannah, who is deaf. Curtis makes a modest living as a crew chief for a sand-mining company. Samantha is a stay-at-home mother and part-time seamstress who supplements their income by selling handmade wares at the flea market each weekend. Money is tight, and navigating Hannah's healthcare and special needs education is a constant struggle. Despite that, Curtis and Samantha are very much in love and their family is a happy one.
Then Curtis begins having terrifying dreams about an encroaching, apocalyptic storm. He chooses to keep the disturbance to himself, channeling his anxiety into the obsessive building of a storm shelter in their backyard. His seemingly inexplicable behavior concerns and confounds Samantha, and provokes intolerance among co-workers, friends and neighbors. But the resulting strain on his marriage and tension within the community doesn't compare to Curtis' private fear of what his dreams may truly signify.
Faced with the proposition that his disturbing visions signal disaster of one kind or another, Curtis confides in Samantha, testing the power of their bond against the highest possible stakes.
Release Date:
September 30th, 2011 (limited)
MPAA Rating:
R for some language.
Sony Pictures Classics
Michael Shannon as Curtis LaForche
Jessica Chastain as Samantha LaForche
Shea Whigham as Dewart
Katy Mixon as Nat
Kathy Baker as Sarah
Ray McKinnon as Kyle
Lisa Gay Hamilton as Kendra
Robert Longstreet as Jim
Tova Stewart as Hannah LaForche
Jeff Nichols
Jeff Nichols
Tyler Davidson
Sophia Lin
Greg Strause
Colin Strause
Brian Kavanaugh-Jones
Sarah Green
Christos Konstantakopoulos
Robert Ruggeri
Adam Wilkins
Kevin Flanigan
Then Curtis begins having terrifying dreams about an encroaching, apocalyptic storm. He chooses to keep the disturbance to himself, channeling his anxiety into the obsessive building of a storm shelter in their backyard. His seemingly inexplicable behavior concerns and confounds Samantha, and provokes intolerance among co-workers, friends and neighbors. But the resulting strain on his marriage and tension within the community doesn't compare to Curtis' private fear of what his dreams may truly signify.
Faced with the proposition that his disturbing visions signal disaster of one kind or another, Curtis confides in Samantha, testing the power of their bond against the highest possible stakes.
Release Date:
September 30th, 2011 (limited)
MPAA Rating:
R for some language.
Sony Pictures Classics
Michael Shannon as Curtis LaForche
Jessica Chastain as Samantha LaForche
Shea Whigham as Dewart
Katy Mixon as Nat
Kathy Baker as Sarah
Ray McKinnon as Kyle
Lisa Gay Hamilton as Kendra
Robert Longstreet as Jim
Tova Stewart as Hannah LaForche
Jeff Nichols
Jeff Nichols
Tyler Davidson
Sophia Lin
Greg Strause
Colin Strause
Brian Kavanaugh-Jones
Sarah Green
Christos Konstantakopoulos
Robert Ruggeri
Adam Wilkins
Kevin Flanigan
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